Best Natural Thyroid Supplements
People who suffer from unexplainable mood swings, or have difficulty in sleeping or feel tired most of the time should understand that the body is producing thyroid hormones in excess. This is an indication that the person is suffering from hyperthyroidism. The best course of action is to take natural thyroid supplements so that the elegant balance of thyroid is maintained in the body. Lemon Balm Lemon balm is from the mint family and is usually used for flavoring ice cream or tea. It is however known to aid the thyroid health and is thus considered among natural thyroid supplements. Lemon balm controls the condition related to thyroid through its unique mechanism. Lemon balm is known to inhibit the thyroid stimulating hormone from attaching to the receptors. Lemon balm blocks the synthesis of T4 and thus prevents T4 from being converted to T3. This dilutes the effect of thyroid stimulating hormone and thus prevents the antibodies from speeding up the functioning of the thyroid. 300 to 500 milligram of lemon balm juice can be taken on a daily basis for normalizing the functioning of thyroid gland. Lemon balm can also be combined with bugleweed natural supplement for effective results. Kelp It has been found out medically that lack of iodine can result in mental retardation and damage to the brain.