Neuromuscular disease key indicators, types, and remedies

Neuromuscular disease key indicators, types, and remedies

A person’s neuromuscular system involves the synergistic working of their nerves and muscles to facilitate movement. Neuromuscular diseases directly or indirectly affect the nerves or the neuromuscular junction (the meeting zone of muscle fiber and motor nerve ends) to impair an individual’s muscle movement. Multiple factors can trigger these disorders, including metabolic issues, hormonal imbalances, viral infections, and others, many of which are still unknown. Here are some vital details about the various neuromuscular disorders: Symptoms of neuromuscular diseases Neuromuscular disease symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening. Some of the symptoms are: Muscle wasting It is common for individuals with neuromuscular diseases to experience shrinking, weakening, and loss of muscles, indicators that are collectively known as muscle wasting. This symptom reduces a person’s ability to heal muscular injuries. Movement issues As stated earlier, an individual’s neuromuscular system regulates and facilitates their movement. Neuromuscular diseases make any kind of movement painful and difficult for patients. Apart from movement, these diseases (in their advanced stages) also affect an individual’s balance, making it difficult for them to stand on their feet. Skeletal deformity In its advanced stages, neuromuscular diseases cause severe muscle spasticity, or stiffness, in individuals. This causes extreme difficulty in bending joints for performing day-to-day functions.
5 foods that can harm brain function and memory

5 foods that can harm brain function and memory

Studies indicate that the human brain absorbs about 20-30% of energy from one’s daily calorie intake. Brain health determines a person’s cognitive abilities, including learning, attention, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Cognitive capacity is greatly dependent on the type of food one eats. Nutrient and antioxidant-rich nuts, eggs, fish, fruits, and vegetables boost cognitive functionality. But certain foods, like the ones mentioned below, are best avoided to ensure optimal brain function. Refined sugars Added or refined sugars can include baked goods like donuts, candies, chocolates, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and more can lead to memory problems. Glucose is an essential component to fuel one’s cellular capability, but overconsumption of it in the form of added or white sugar can slow down one’s cognitive functions. Some studies indicate a link between chronic intake of refined sugar and memory impairment. Sodas and energy drinks Energy drinks and sodas are marketed as products that instantly boost one’s energy levels but could also lead to forgetfulness. Elevated blood sugar levels due to high intake of sugary beverages may lead to diabetes, abnormal insulin levels, and decreased blood flow to the brain. These, in turn, heighten the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Vegetable oils Vegetable oils can provide the much-needed omega-3 fatty acids, but the high intake of refined oil made from corn, canola, or sunflower is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline.
Foods that can cause digestive troubles

Foods that can cause digestive troubles

People should get tested for food allergies to eliminate foods that could leave them with compromised digestive systems. Those who have recently suffered an infection or have been recommended powerful treatment can also experience changes in their gut microbiota. It is yet another case where digestive problems can arise. Some common signs of poor digestive function include difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, or chest pain while eating. Individuals with digestive trouble must avoid trigger foods. Processed foods Fiber helps regulate the digestive system. Processed foods are not only low in fiber but also high in salts, preservatives, and food coloring. It makes things difficult for people with sensitive stomachs. Fiber deficiency leads to increased constipation, while the additives cause issues like gas, bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux. Artificial sweeteners Foods and beverages prepared with artificial sweeteners cause a change in the body’s natural gut bacteria. This can lead to gastrointestinal tract problems. Sugar-free drinks, candies, and gums are the best examples. They are loaded with refined sugar alternatives like xylitol, maltitol, and sorbitol, which cause gas, bloating, and other digestive and laxative effects. They can also cause the body to produce more acid than it needs, leading to stomach ulcers. Spicy foods Although spices are believed to help with digestion, they can trigger digestive problems in people with sensitive stomachs.
4 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple myeloma

4 foods to avoid when dealing with multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells, which are a crucial component of the body’s immune system. Common treatment options for this disease, such as chemotherapy, can affect one’s appetite and make one feel overwhelmed and tired. This can make it challenging to get the right nutrition. Further, as multiple myeloma also weakens the immune system, it is important to steer clear of foods that can make one sick. Raw or undercooked meat Raw or undercooked foods are the most common cause of food poisoning. Cooking meat helps destroy any harmful bacteria. Due to this, those undergoing (or have recently undergone) treatment for multiple myeloma must avoid the following: Cold hot dogs or deli lunch meat if these are not cooked or reheated until the meat is steaming hot Dry-cured, uncooked salami Smoked fish Refrigerated pâté Raw or undercooked shellfish, such as oysters, may carry the Hepatitis A virus until not cooked properly Sushi and sashimi Undercooked eggs—soft-boiled, over-easy, or poached Foods containing raw eggs, such as raw cookie dough Unpasteurized dairy/drinks Raw milk can carry dangerous bacteria, such as E. coli or Salmonella, that can wreak havoc on a weakened immune system. People with multiple myeloma must avoid foods made from unpasteurized dairy products such as raw milk yogurt or soft cheeses like blue-veined, Brie, Camembert, feta, goat cheese, and queso franco/Blanco.